There's a serious mess in my sewing corner! I need to use the sewing machine soon ... so tomorrow it'll have to get sorted. Not going into college as I can work better at home for now.
Forgotten how I like/loathe travelling on the bus to Belfast. A chatty Californian couple were heading in to town.
College was busy like it always is at the start and then we had fire drill. Could feel my rebellious side coming out already.
I've painted some bondaweb and today I'm withdrawing threads from a piece of muslin for my new project.
Going in to college tomorrow having had great intentions over the summer hols. to do loads of work. Ha! Didn't do any. My research for design has been on Morocco and, inspired by pictures of the rose petals in the fountains, I think my next piece of work will be to do with that.
So much to do. So little time.